Quin's Vip Membership
Quin's VIP member enjoy 15%off for regular items FOREVER !
Purchase over HKD$1000 (on regular items) for a single transaction, will become Quin's VIP and enjoy 15% off immediately!
We will send you the VIP number via Email / WhatsApp!
After that, you can use the following VIP code for every transaction. We will check the phone number to verify your identity!
Quin's VIP 可享永久85折優惠!
我們將透過Email / WhatsApp 給你VIP number,代表已成功登記成為會員。
之後可用以下VIP code 進行消費,我們會核對VIP電話號碼以證身份。
:::: Quin’s VIP code “ IMVIP ” ::::